Al-Mahdi Benelovent Foundation of Arizona 


A Community Dedicated to the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad and His Pure Family



Salaamun Alaikum, 

For this coming Muharram this year, we are blessed to have Sheikh Mohammad Ashoor giving speeches during the ten nights of Muharram. Sheikh Ashoor has visited the community before and is known to have a very strong ability to communicate with the youth so we highly encourage families to bring their youth during these nights. We will also be having Arabic program held every night before the Maghrib/Isha prayers for those who would like to benefit.  


We are looking for sponsors for each night for Dinner and to help with program expenses, please contact Hajj Hani (480-223-7119).  Please help support the center's expenses and to continue to invite speakers and hold these programs with your donations. You can send your donations via Zelle to

Muharram Programs - Starting Saturday July 6th

*Speaker on Saturday Night will be Hajj Mountather, Sheikh Ashoor will start from July 7th

Arabic Program

  6:40 PM: Qur'an

  6:50 PM: Ziyarat Ashura

  7:05 PM: Speech by Sheikh Mohammad Ashoor

  7:45 PM: Dua


English Program

  8:00 PM: Maghrib & Isha Prayers

  8:20 PM: Quran & Ziyarat Ashura

  8:35 PM: Speech by Sheikh Mohammad Ashoor

  9:15 PM: Latmiyya

  9:30 PM: Dua

  9:45 PM: Dinner - Potluck (Need Sponsors)

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If you have been benefiting from the programs held by Al-Mahdi Benevolent Foundation, and would like to contribute financially towards them and future programs, you can do so by clicking the donate button below which will open up a seperate donation page on Paypal. You will have the option to donate once or donate monthly. Or, if you prefer, you can scan one of the Donation QR codes below with your phone to be redirected directly to Zelle or Paypal.

Jazakallahu Khairan

 Zelle Instructions:

 Paypal Instructions:

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